Posts Tagged ‘artists’

The Drop

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

So I was hoping I’d be able to show off the Tagged Mobile Homes someday, I just didn’t know it would happen this quickly. The mobile will be showing at The Drop on Oct. 3rd to Oct 17th. It looks like it’s going to be a great time.

Again I want to thank everyone who helped with this one.

The Drop

Tagged Mobile Homes

Friday, September 25th, 2009

I am very excited about this project.

Get the flash player here:

It started with a great idea from Kiel Mead. During the Hue Are You? show he said, “Wouldn’t it have been cool if we got street artists to tag all of the Mobile Homes houses?” Yes it would Kiel, yes it would.

Once I met superk8, things started to happen. Kate was my connection to some great people. She and a bunch of other artists get together for a show called the Conscious Cycle (the video below is actually last year’s Conscious Cycle).

Conscious Cycle Figment from knox on Vimeo.

The Conscious Cycle was held on Governors Island in NYC during the Figment festival. I met a bunch of great people there, and everyone was cool with lending me a hand. During their down time from painting the mural, they all decorated my silly little houses. So cool. I think they all turned out great.

The artists involved are:

Royce Bannon
Chris from Robots Will Kill
Veng from Robots Will Kill
Lou Auguste
Infinity - Endless Love Crew

Thanks again everybody.

Magkinetic Drawings

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

Magkinetic Drawings Magkinetic Drawings

This is a lot of fun to play with. Great work by Aakash Nihalani.


Monday, August 24th, 2009

Wow, these guys are great. Some incredible designs/films/art from HunterGatherer.

Thanks for pointing me in their direction Swissmiss.


Two Amazing Artists

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Two artists that I’ve been digging lately.

Arthur Ganson makes moving sculptures. His pieces have to be watched in order to be appreciated. Check out his gear making tools and his TED Talk.

Michael Salter is also a sculptor, but his medium is generally recycled styrofoam. A lot of giant styrofoam robot goodness on his site. Via NOTCOT.

Michael Salter Sculpture

Judging the Book

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

I’m currently reading The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon. And I’ve never had so many people stare at my book on the subway before. They can’t take their eyes off of the cover. Good work Will Staehle. The book is pretty good, but (according to the crazy lady on the 6 train) not nearly as good as Kavalier and Clay.

By the way, the inside jacket is just as cool.

The Yiddish Policemen's Union The Yiddish Policemen's Union

Artist Dan Walker

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

I’m really digging artist Dan Walker’s work.

Definitely check out Wham-O and Pool.

Liz Lomax- 3D Illustrator

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Liz Lomax

My friend Liz Lomax is a very talented illustrator. Her technique is called three dimensional illustration. Basically, she sculpts these incredible figures. Builds very detailed dioramas to go with them. And then she photographs the whole shebang. The photo is the finished product, the photo is the illustration. Sometimes she even destroys the sculptures after the picture is taken. And that makes me a little sad.

Liz Lomax

She’s been documenting her run ins with a recent MasterCard project she did, on her new blog. She literally finds her artwork on billboards and pay phones all over New York City. Here is what she said about the experience:

Of all the people I know, Liz is the closest thing to a rock star. Do yourself a favor and check out here site and blog.

Pulse Park

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

There is a very cool art exhibit in Madison Square Park, Pulse Park by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Since I won’t be able to explain it any better, here is what the Madison Square Park Conservancy had to say about it:

More Info

Anish Kapoor

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

Anish Kapoor Exhibit

Saw Anish Kapoor’s exhibit at the Gladstone Gallery. There are only four pieces there but they are so much fun. Basically, they’re fun house mirrors and you act like a face-making 10 year old.

Kapoor is probably best known for the Cloud Gate (The Bean) in Chicago.