Posts Tagged ‘prototype’

Clock Club Project

Thursday, May 5th, 2016


Working on a “clock” concept/project/platform with Tom Igoe and Jeff Feddersen. We’ve given ourselves a loose concept (and an even looser deadline) and we’re calling it Clock Club. I’m putting together a quick mechanical prototype for a two handed device.

I’m interested in what will come from this.




The Dancer Pepper Mill

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

Pepper Mill

I fabricated the Dancer Pepper Mill prototype for Frank Benson. It was made from a material called colorply that I loved working with.

Colorply Pepper Mill

Colorply Pepper Mill

Complex has a great write up of it:

“The Dancer Salt and Pepper mills are made of an imported composite wood which was used to create the bar for CafĂ© Dancer in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The mouthwatering red, white, and green caprese salad colors intrinsic to the material will enliven any table with a festive and puzzling air while providing freshly ground seasoning for every meal.”