Archive for the ‘Unfinished Project’ Category

The Great Glass Lamp Shade part 2

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Take 2 on the glass lamp shade.

This time I tried smaller sections of glass. That means a lot more cutting and a lot more soldering, but I really like the look. It reminds me of subway tiles. Anyway, it sure beats the gunk shade.

Glass Lamp Shade take 2  Glass Lamp Shade take 2

I ran out of glass, so I fear this shade will be in a holding pattern for awhile.

The Great Glass Lamp Shade part 1

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

I make a lot of lamps, but I always have a hard time picking out the right shade. Usually, the only shades you buy are crap. So I decided to learn how to make my own. I got my hands on some how to DVD’s on stained glass making. Glass cutting aint easy folks, so I decided to go simple: clear glass rectangles in a cylinder shape.

First lamp shade attempt

The glass cutting went ok, but the soldering was a mess. I used plumber’s flux, which is some messy stuff. It also left a lot of gunk on the glass. Not the look I was going for, for my first lamp shade. Back to the drawing board.

gunky shade

I also probably shouldn’t solder next to my pots and pans.