Archive for the ‘ITP’ Category

Wooden Doll Peg Experiments

Monday, January 21st, 2019


I recently taught an art toy design class where I used off the shelf wooden doll pegs as a blank canvas for my students. I liked the idea of using a humble craft material as a starting point. Below are a bunch of experiments I did in color, form, and texture.








Maker Project Lab, Maker Update 21

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Once again Donald Bell has been kind enough to mention a project of mine in his weekly Maker Update.


Flick Face is a kinetic “sketch” that is part of my 100 Days of Making, a collection of movement experiments and ideas.

Flick Face

Day 37: Flick Face. Perf board, LEDs, coin cell battery, battery holder, resistors, hookup wire, and springs. I made some whisker switches using the springs from ball point pens I got at the bank. The circuit kind of looks like a face and you get the best results when you flick the board.

Shiffman’s Frame

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016


Made some frames for a project Dan Shiffman is working on. Some laser cut acrylic, standoffs, a monitor, a Raspberry Pi, and camera. Yes, I know the screen is upside down, we’ll flip it in the software.


Utility Belt Workshop

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016


I taught a utility belt making workshop with Kate Hartman the other day. A lot of fun.

First step is actually make a belt: strap, buckle, clip, tri-glide, and do a little sewing. Next, we’ll add electronics and gadgets.



Weave Through Tri Glide

Buckle and Clip

Wooden Pull Toy Prototype

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016


Did some quick wooden pull toy prototypes. All started as dog icons I got from The Noun Project (here, here, and here). Printed them out, spray mounted them to some scrap wood, rough cut them on a scroll saw, drilled the holes, sanded, painted and waxed.








Pull Toys

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016


The latest assignment for my class was to make simple pull toys. I think the students did a fantastic job.

The Floor on the Floor

Friday, September 18th, 2015

The Floor on the floor

Laser etched the ITP floor plan on a piece of reclaimed ITP floorboard.


Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Ripped up floor boards from ITP.  Hopefully it will become furniture someday.

They are re-doing the hardwood floors at ITP. And I was lucky enough to reclaim (grab) some old boards. Was pulling nails from them for a couple of hours yesterday. Tons of scratches, nicks, and character.

Soon this material will be turned into furniture or lamps or something.

Subtraction at ITP Spring Show 2015

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Subtraction at ITP Spring Show 2015

My Subtraction class is showing their work at the ITP Spring Show. They all did amazing work.

Subtraction at ITP Spring Show 2015

Subtraction at ITP Spring Show 2015

ITP Spring Show

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

ITP Spring Show 2013

I will be showing a new piece, Awww Snap!, at the ITP Spring Show. Come one come all.

Monday May 20 from 5 - 9 PM
Tuesday May 21 from 4 - 8 PM

721 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10003