Archive for the ‘People I want to be when I grow up’ Category

9-Shade Branching Fixture with Walnut Shade

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Lindsey Adelman Studio created another stunning lighting fixture, and again I get to be a tiny part of it. The turnings I did for a previous piece for them, are also being used for this beauty below.

Image from the Lindsey Adelman Studio.

How to Make a Gigantic Wooden Ball

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

Amazing. Sculptor Keith Holamon creates amazing work on a huge custom lathe.


Turnings for Lindsey Adelman

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

I have had the pleasure of doing a little work for the amazing Lindsey Adelman Studio. They created two fantastic pieces that needed a little turned walnut and for some crazy reason they asked me to do it.

The Shady Side Candlesticks

Image from the Lindsey Adelman Studio.

Turned walnut candlesticks with handmade fungus cast in brass.

Turned Walnut Candel Sticks

Walnut Blanks

Woodchuck Pendants

Image from the Lindsey Adelman Studio.

Simple turned walnut cylinders house standard LED bulbs suspended by powder coated tubing and custom links. Inspired by the glassblowing tool called a chuck used to make our Bubbles.

Walnut Pendant

Turned walnut pendant


Thursday, December 29th, 2011

I have the good fortune to be lending a hand on an incredible installation: Lumarca.

Lumarca is a volumetric display that allows viewers to experience digital animations in true three dimensional space. The video does not do it justice, the effect is pretty amazing in person. And this January 12th you can come and see it at Eyebeam.

The creators Albert Hwang and Matt Parker have done some incredible work, not to be missed.

For more information on the show check out

Star Lamps on Make Live

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

I was on Make Live (every second and fourth Wdnesday) last night doing a little piece on how to make mini Star Lights. Thanks Matt and Becky it was a lot of fun.

swissmiss shop

Monday, November 28th, 2011

This is a big one. Today swissmiss opened an online store. And I have the incredible honor of having one of my designs as one of the first items for sale. Mobile Homes in Swiss red are available now.

This is by far the most I’ve made of anything before. Images of the build process below:

Get the flash player here:

I’m so excited about this. Please check out the store and the other designers as well.

Paul Octavious
Oliver Jeffers
Mark Weaver

Moroccan Bow Lathe

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

This is amazing. The good stuff starts around the 1:15 mark. Barefoot turning, unbelievable.

Via Make Magazine

Handmade Wallpaper Scissors

Monday, July 18th, 2011

I love this project, Dentsu London is a creative agency that created a pair of wallpaper scissors. One half was hand crafted in the traditional way by scissor makers Ernest Wright & Son, the other was 3-D printed (with help from Jamie McClellan). The coming together of the old and the new is fantastic.

Drip Painting

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Drip Painting

I saw this fantastic drip painting on the sidewalk at Berry St and N 5th in Williamsburg. No idea who the artist is, I wish I could make paintings like this.

Side note: this is kind of what I think Jay Gatsby would like.

Hendzel and Hunt’s 24-Hour Design Challenge

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

I love a good design challenge. The folks over at Hendzel and Hunt gathered some great designers and asked them to create a machine capable of playing an Edison Bells record in one day. If that wasn’t enough, each group had a budget of only £30 to source materials from the surrounding area, and was not allowed to step anywhere near digital technology.

The fantastic results can be seen in the video below:

Via Cool Hunting.

I love this kind of stuff. There should be a TV show like this, something similar to Iron Chef or Top Design, only with builders/designers/makers instead of chefs and interior designers.