littleBits Launch Party at Eyebeam
Last night I went to the littleBits launch party at Eyebeam. littleBits is an open source project that is trying “to end the mysticism around engineering and electronics, to counter the black box product ideology of consumer electronics, and to fuel an explosion of creativity and innovation in artists, designers, kids and hobbyists. The release of littleBits Version 1 on April 30, 2009, will be unique in that it is a growing library of circuit boards preassembled by tiny magnets—the first of its kind. littleBits requires absolutely no programming, no prior knowledge and no hardware or software set-up. Just snap and play!”
This video might explain it a little more clearly.
littleBits intro from ayah bdeir on Vimeo.
The stuff is great and I can’t wait to get my hands on some. I could’ve really used it on some of the props I’ve worked on in the past (here and here). The party was held at Eyebeam. “Eyebeam is an art and technology center that provides a fertile context and state-of-the-art tools for digital research and experimentation.” It’s in a very cool space in Chelsea.
Sorry for the bad pictures. In my defense, I’m a horrible photographer.
Tags: inspiration, New York