Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

Cool Logo

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009


I really liked this logo I saw on Madison and 34th Street. I like how the designer worked the address into Madison, kind of Se7en.

Habitat Inspiration

Monday, September 29th, 2008

I love the Habitat articles in the Real Estate section of the New York Times. This Sunday had a cool article about an artist’s live/work space.

I'm going to have to try this

But what I really liked is the way he framed the piece on this wall. Using different sized frames, of the same design, to continue the tree branch drawing (at least I think it’s a drawing). What a great look, I’m going to have to rip this off.

Photo by Gabriele Stabile from the New York Times.

Anish Kapoor

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

Anish Kapoor Exhibit

Saw Anish Kapoor’s exhibit at the Gladstone Gallery. There are only four pieces there but they are so much fun. Basically, they’re fun house mirrors and you act like a face-making 10 year old.

Kapoor is probably best known for the Cloud Gate (The Bean) in Chicago.

Painting with Wood

Friday, August 1st, 2008

I’ve recently seen a couple of artists who “paint” with wood. Veneer inlay, to be more exact.

I saw Alison Elizabeth Taylor’s work at the James Cohan Gallery in New York and Rolf Hook’s at the Great Blasket Centre in Ireland. Using only different wood grains, they create some incredible pieces of art.

They’ve inspired me to try this technique. Time to break out the old box o’ veneer.

Veneer   Box o' veneer

Best Summer Friday Ever

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Best Summer Friday Ever

Last Friday turned out to be a pretty fantastic day. I had a half day at the office so I thought I would check out David Byrne’s Playing the Building. The exhibit was great. Playing the organ was a lot of fun and the building was incredible. If this video doesn’t make you want to see it, then nothing I say will.

From outside of the building that you can play, you can see three of the waterfalls in the new Waterfalls exhibit. I’m sure the best way to see these would be from a boat, but since I was boat-less at the time, I figured I would just take some crappy far away shots.


After the waterfalls, it was uptown to the Metropolitan Museum Sculpture Garden. Home of some of the best views in New York (and home of some expensive drinks). There are currently 3 sculptures by Jeff Koons on the roof, Balloon Dog (Yellow) was by far my favorite. I know it’s made of steel, but it really looks like a giant balloon dog.

And to cap it all off, the Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy exhibit in the Met. They have the Superman suit from the original Christopher Reeve’s movie, Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman suit, both the red/blue and black Spider Man suits from the movies, even the Dark Knight Batman armor. But the most impressive was the silver Iron Man armor from the recent movie. It looked like it could fly and take on heavy gun fire. By comparison, the rest of the costumes just looked like rubber and spandex. The comic books with all the first appearances of the superheroes were also on display. Action Comics #1, Detective Comics #27, Amazing Fantasy #15, Tales of Suspense #39… Ok, now I’m just geeking out.

The Armored Body

Just a typical New York afternoon, I love this city.

It’s Like We’re Living in the Future

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

rocketbeltThis guy built a jet pack, and the first two people he sent up in it were his wife and his son.

This is my favorite part:


Cool Wall

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Cool Wall

I saw this wall on the corner of 53rd St and 2nd Ave.  I believe the wood is teak and the cream blocks light up.  Very cool effect.

Frank Pollaro

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

A few months back, I went to a gallery showing Frank Pollaro’s furniture. My jaw dropped the second I walked in. His work is incredible, truley awe inspiring. What he does with inlay is incredible. On top of that, he’s a really nice guy.

Do yourself a favor and check out this, this, this, and this.

Ed Norton Weekend

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

I saw the Illusionist this weekend (saw the Incredible Hulk that day too), pretty good flick. But I couldn’t get over how cool the locket the Great Eisenheim designed. Why don’t blueprints look like this anymore?

Scene from the Illusionist

I know what I want to do when I grow up

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

This architect basically turned a family’s apartment into the Goonies.

Amazing job.