Posts Tagged ‘ITP’

Turned Scepter

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016


My students turned this amazing scepter. Everyone made a small bit and they all screwed together.

Sidewalk Tetherball

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Assignment: Elicit a double take.

Matt Richardson and I had a pretty straightforward idea, attach a tetherball to a street sign and see if passers-by not only take notice of it but actually engage in this familiar game in an unfamiliar setting.

Drawing with a CNC Router

Monday, August 20th, 2012

My friend Matt Epler and I were experimenting with drawing on the ITP CNC router. We chucked up a marker and had it plot some simple shapes. We basically were using a $20,000 machine to draw circles. Hopefully more interesting drawings to come.

Round 2 with Blue

Round 3 with Red

Sharpie Exploded
A little tip, keep the spindle off when doing this. Unless you want the Sharpie to explode.

Nerdy Derby - The Big Block

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Nerdy Derby Car

This sucker is heavy. And since the Nerdy Derby has a “no rules” policy, weight isn’t an issue. Made from a big block of maple and 4 lead casters, the car weighs around 5 pounds.

Some Build pics below:

Nerdy Derby Car

Nerdy Derby Car

Nerdy Derby Car

The Nerdy Derby

Monday, August 20th, 2012

The NERDY DERBY to be held at World Maker Faire New York 2012.

Presented by NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP).

The Nerdy Derby is a no-rules miniature car building and racing competition inspired by the Cub Scouts’ Pinewood Derby. With a larger, more undulating track and no restrictions on the size of the cars or materials participants can use, the Nerdy Derby rewards creativity, cleverness and ingenuity.

The first-ever Nerdy Derby will take place at World Maker Faire New York on September 29th and 30th at the New York Hall of Science in Queens. Visitors can bring their own cars to race, choose from a selection of pre-built cars, or make their cars on site in our workshop.

The first trial race was a ton of fun, can’t wait till the faire.

Great video Roops.

Spoil Board Tiles

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Spoil Board

A spoil board is sacrificial material that’s used underneath the material you want to cut on a CNC machine. This ensures a better through cut and is usually MDF. I’ve noticed that when the spoil boards are all used up at ITP, some really amazing patterns are formed.

Spoil Boards

Spoil Boards

I cut a bunch of them into tiles, lit, and framed them. They let me hang them over the CNC in the shop. I like how they turned out.

Spoil Board

Model Citizens 2012

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Another Design Week, another Model Citizens. The whole thing is pretty much a blur at this point.

Turn Table Lamps at Model Citizens

I showed the Turn Table Lamps and had some good feedback, we’ll see where this goes.

Below are some quick shots of some of the other Citizens.

Get the flash player here:

Core77 Open

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Core77 Open

So honored to be part of the 5 borough, first ever Core77 Open.

Kinetic 5 at the Core77 Open

Kinetic 5 was part of the amazing pallet filled show.

Check out some of the other pieces. Today is the last day to see the show.

Get the flash player here:

ITP Spring Show

Monday, May 14th, 2012

The big Spring student show for ITP is this Monday and Tuesday. So many great projects, a must see trust me.

I’ll be showing Turn Table Lamps, wind-O-farm, and Tornado Alley.

Monday, May 14 from 5-9pm
Tuesday, May 15 from 4-8pm

To get there:
Interactive Telecommunications Program
Tisch School of the Arts
New York, NY 10003

Take the left elevator to the 4th floor.
This event is free and open to the public.
No need to RSVP.

For questions:
call: 212 998-1880

Tornado Alley

Monday, May 14th, 2012

Tornado Alley is a kinetic sculpture, small wooden houses spin like mad when you blow on a small fan. The harder you blow, the faster they spin. The piece is fun to interact with.

Tornado Alley

The houses may look a little familiar.
