Posts Tagged ‘robot’

Blue Bots

Monday, January 22nd, 2018


Made these guys a little while ago. I’ve been iterating on this robot rabbit form for a while now. I’m afraid there is more to come.


Robot Recipe Minions Mockups

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016


Doing some Robot Minions for the birthday girl. I like how they are shaping up.





Wobble Bot on Make:

Friday, February 19th, 2016


The newest Robot Recipe is up on Make:. And those are cinnamon roasted pineapples, not tater tots.

Wobble Bot was primarily made from a pineapple can, a spice container, and a half sphere food form.





Robot Recipe Video

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

Make: asked for a video introduction to the Robot Recipe Projects I’ve been working on. Thanks for all of the help on the video Gabe.

Robot Recipes - Pumpkin Pi Bots

Thursday, November 26th, 2015

Pumpkin Pi Bot

MAKE Magazine ran a how-to on some Thanksgiving themed Robot Recipes, Pumpkin Pi Bots. Made from the cans of pumpkin pie ingredients.

Some parts are straight forward and some parts are so overly complicated, I’d recommend skipping them altogether. But it gave me a chance to use my new Othermill and slip roll. Happy Thanksgiving.

Pumpkin Pi Bot

Slip Roller

Pumpkin Pi Bot

Pumpkin Pi Bots

Pumpkin Pi Bots

Pumpkin Pi Bots

Robot Neck How To

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

I mentioned before that a slip ring and a caster swivel make for a great robot neck. Here is a video with more details. Thanks Jeff.

9 Volt Battery Holder

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

9 Volt battery in place

I have yet to find a decent 9 Volt battery holder. So I’ve just designed it into the internal structure of my latest robot.

Layers stacked up

A bunch of CNC’d aluminum plates held together by standoffs. The battery sits in a cutout and a set screw holds it in place from the bottom. More to come.

1/8" thick aluminum cut by Othermill

Great for Robot Necks

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Slip Ring and Caster make a great robot neck

I’m thinking the combo of a slip ring and a caster swivel make for a great robot neck. More to come.

Robot Rabbits

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Robot Rabbits

Made every kid in the family a robot rabbit this Christmas. Each kid got their favorite color. Each one sized according to age.

Robot Rabbits

Robot Rabbits

Knight Rider Eyes Installed

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Finally got the Knight Rider eyes installed in a robot. My 10 year old self is high fiving me right now.

Knight Rider Boards

I like how the second round boards came out. A custom PCB would be great, but these will do for now.

Board/Switch Assembly

Robot in Pieces

Fully assembled with new eyes

I know it’s more of a Cylon than KITT, but that effect will always be Knight Rider to me.