Image taken by Naho Kubota
A couple of weeks back I worked on a table with C-Lab, Design Compendium, One Pot, Limn Architects, Highlands Dinner Club, and Architecture For Humanity. It was for the Design Like You Give a Damn Live celebration at the Armory on Park Ave in NYC. The goal was to get all of these great thinkers and incredibly capable people to sit down to a meal together, see what could be accomplished in such a short time (the meal and the table), become inspired, and basically change the world for the better. Simple, right?

Images taken by Naho Kubota
The project was on a very tight deadline, the table was built in two days. The first day (the one I had a part in) was gathering materials, cutting all of the pieces, redesigning on the fly, and starting to put the thing together. We did all of this at the studio. The second day (I wasn’t there for that) was a lot of finishing work and putting it all together at the Armory.

From the final images I can tell that it came together great (side note: the Armory is awesome). I got to work with some very talented and, more importantly, really great people. I’m very proud to have a small part in this project.

More images can be seen here.